In order to protect your information, we only use state-of-the-art security technologies. With the support of the 128-bit coding (SSL - Secure Socket Layer) your data is protected on its way from your computer to our server. The browser symbol "Closed padlock" in the status line of your browser indicates that the page is encoded.
You initiate the SSL protocol by adding a "s" to http. This is the signal for the browser to ask for a certificate from the server and for its public key. This key goes back to the browser, together with a number and an ID. This information is calculated by a small group of certification companies.
Using the transferred data, the browser checks if it is really connected to the server mentioned in the URL. If it is, the browser provides the user with the adequate information: Within Internet Explorer the shackle is closed. The Navigator signals a safe page with the intact key. Next, the two computers agree on a symmetrical key (Session Key). Since this arrangement is completed asymmetrically, security is guaranteed. Before transferring the real data, the browser sends the server some messages that only the appropriate server can answer.
Encoded data sent via the net are not readable by third parties, which may want to hack.